NEW PRODUCT: Maxspect Celestial LED Lighting System

35 watt controllable LED spotlight fixture available in the following 3 models: RGB Full Spectrum, Blue Super Actinic, Aquatic Algae Growing

The Maxspect Celestial is a new controllable LED spotlight with a set of attractive features. This 35-watt spotlight is fully controllable by an intuitive built-in controller. It makes for a perfect option for illuminating pico and nano aquariums up to a 14in cube. The Celestial Spotlight utilizes the latest LED multi-chip technology with its Cree EZ1000 core chip.

RGB Full Spectrum - C35-F

  • The Celestial C35-F Spotlight provides primary full spectrum illumination great for pico and nano reef aquariums. The Celestial C35-F LED mulit-chip is controllable across 4 separate lighting channels.

Super Blue Actinic C35-S
  • The Celestial C35-S Spotlight provides Super Blue Actinic Supplementation. Great for bringing out the phosphorescent colours within corals and enhancing colouration of ornamental fish. This C35-S is ideal for supplementing certain corals with blue light to make colours really pop on a wide range of setups.

Aquatic Algae Growing C35-A
  • The Celestial C35-A Spotlight is specific in providing optimal lighting for aquatics plants. Perfect for refugiums growing macro algae.

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